On this page you will find all the materials produced by the project in different languages. We will publish the materials as they are finalised.
Käsikirja suomeksi
Käsikirja julkaistiin painettuna versiona hankkeen loppuseminaarissa 20.8.2024. Kirjaa on maksutta saatavilla Sosped-säätiöstä. Tästä pääset käsikirjan digitaaliseen selailuversioon:

Handbook in English
Here is the English version of the handbook as a pdf document. This version does not yet have a finalised layout, but the content is ready. The handbook includes chapters on: a desktop study on NEET youth, how project partners empower (partner expertise), how to build community and increase sense of community (”belonging”), case stories of young people and training for young people and professionals.

Handbook in Czech
Here is the Czech version of the handbook as a pdf document. The handbook includes chapters on: a desktop study on NEET youth, how project partners empower (partner expertise), how to build community and increase sense of community (”belonging”), case stories of young people and training for young people and professionals.

Handbook in Portuguese
Here is the Portuguese version of the handbook as a pdf document. The handbook includes chapters on: a desktop study on NEET youth, how project partners empower (partner expertise), how to build community and increase sense of community (”belonging”), case stories of young people and training for young people and professionals.

Handbook in Italy
Here is the Italian version of the handbook as a pdf document. The handbook includes chapters on: a desktop study on NEET youth, how project partners empower (partner expertise), how to build community and increase sense of community (”belonging”), case stories of young people and training for young people and professionals.

Kysymyskortit suomeksi
Myös kysymyskortit julkaistiin painettuna versiona hankkeen loppuseminaarissa 20.8.2024. Kortteja on maksutta saatavilla Sosped-säätiöstä. Tässä linkki kysymyskorttien digitaaliseen selailuversioon:

Question cards in Portuguese
These question cards can be used to discuss community and to develop an existing community (organisation or larger group).